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Dress Code & Etiquette


Cotswold Hills Golf Club welcomes all members and guests to use and enjoy our course and clubhouse facilities. Our dress code aims to strike the right balance between appropriate standards for a golf club environment and common-sense practicality.

The following points are intended to provide a framework that is logical, and easy to understand and apply. We ask that all members and guests use their common sense and good judgement in respecting our dress code.

Dress Code in the bars.

Clean, smart casual attire in the clubhouse at all times, unless a specific event in the clubhouse states otherwise.

In addition to the guidelines relating to the clubhouse above:

· Golf shoes are acceptable in the Spike Bar but only if clean.

· Golf shoes are NOT allowed in the main bar area.

· No wet clothes or waterproofs are to be worn in either bar.

· Please remove all headwear when in either bar.


  • The pace of play - keep up with the golfers in the group ahead!

    It is each group’s responsibility to keep pace with the group in front. If any group loses a clear hole and delays the group behind, they should invite the group behind to play through, irrespective of the number of players in each group. Where a group has not lost a clear hole, but it is apparent that the group behind can play faster, it should invite the faster moving group to play through at a convenient hole. To enforce this process, we have asked the Course Marshals to politely ensure we achieve this ambition.

    The Marshals have the right to ask any playing group to stand to one side to allow groups playing at a quicker pace to play through. If required, they also have the right to ask groups to pick their balls up and walk to the next hole to ensure smooth speed of play across the whole course.

    The Club Management would ask that we all respect the role that the Marshal plays and that if you are requested to allow a group through, you do so without animosity and as a courtesy to other members/ players.

  • Adopt Ready Golf

    There is no honour except in Match Play.If you are ready and it is safe, play your shot. Hit your shot before you look for your partner’s ball.

    Shorter hitters should play first from the tee or fairway if longer hitters have to wait.

    3 minutes are allowed to search for a ball – play a provisional ball, if there is any chance a ball will be lost.

    Putting with the flag in speeds up play.

Etiquette / Care Of The Course

  • The Spirit of the Game

    The game relies on the integrity of every individual to show consideration for other players and to abide by the Rules of Golf.

    All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be. This is the spirit of the game of golf.

    Please rake bunkers and leave them as you would wish to find them, rakes should be left in bunkers.

    Repair divots on the fairways and in the rough by replacing the divot. Repair pitch-marks on the greens whether it is your pitch-mark or one made by another golfer.

  • Preventing unnecessary damage

    Please resist the temptation to create divots through multiple practice swings.

    Please do repair any damage to the course that you have created. It is in all Member’s, Guest’s and Visitor’s interests to keep the course in excellent condition.

  • Access to the Courses

    Please, can we also remind all Members that they must play from the correct allocated tee unless otherwise stated by the Golf Office or Golf Professional. All non-members are requested to sign into the golf shop before their round to pay their fee and collect a green fee ticket. We would also like to request that the 15-minute buffer is respected, and no golfer plays within these times. For reference, please see the tee allocations here.

    On each tee, you will also see the A-Frame notice boards. These boards provide guidance to the member on what tee reservations are in place or specific maintenance that is taking place on the course for that day.

  • Driving Range

    We would also like to remind members that the use of ‘old’ golf balls on the driving range isn’t permitted. The Club has recently invested in 4,000 new range balls, and for those member’s who use the facility, we would ask that practice must take place with range balls only.

    We would like to thank you for taking the time to read through this message, and if we all take these small steps onboard, we are sure that we all can enjoy our time at the Club evenmore than we do at the moment.